Salesforce – Stop Recursion of Trigger Execution- <Method-2>
As per my previous post , the method-2 for preventing recursive trigger execution in salesforce is
Method (2) : Add a new field to the object so the trigger can inspect the record to see if it is being called by the future method.
The trigger checks the value of IsFutureExecute__c in the list of Accounts passed into the trigger. If the IsFutureExecute__c value is true then the trigger is being called from the future method and the record shouldn’t be processed. If the value of IsFutureExecute__c is false, then the trigger is being called the first time and the future method should be called and passed the Set of unique names.
trigger updateSomething on Account (before insert, before update) {
Set<Id> idsToProcess = new Se<Id>();
for (Account acct : {
if (acct.IsFutureExecute__c) {
acct.IsFutureExecute__c = false;
} else {
if(acct.NumberOfEmployees > 500){
if (!idsToProcess.isEmpty())
AccountProcessor.processAccounts(idsToProcess );
The AccountProcessor class contains the static method with the future annotation i.e called by the trigger. The method processes each Account and sets the value of IsFutureExecute__c to false before committing. This prevents the trigger from calling the future method once again.
public class AccountProcessor {
public static void processAccounts(Set<ID> Ids) {
// list to store the accounts to update
List<Account> accountsToUpdate = new List<Account>();
// iterate through the list of accounts to process
for (Account a : [Select Id, Name, IsFutureExecute__c From Account where ID IN :Ids]) {
// ... do you account processing
// set the field to true, since we are about to fire the trigger again
a.IsFutureExecute__c = true;
// add the account to the list to update
// update the accounts
update accountsToUpdate;